10100 W. Maple St, Suite 101, Wichita, KS 67209

Call or Text (316) 416-6400
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An Individual and Family Therapy Practice
Disclosure of Hypnosis Serviceses
HYPNOSIS AND IT'S PROCEDURES: The practice of hypnotism encompasses the induction of a hypnotic state by applying individualized techniques to induce hypnosis in order to assist clients with self-improvement, vocational and avocational self-improvement, situational stress, altering habits; ie. Smoking cessation, improved motivation, sports performance, enhancing creative energy, and scholastic endeavors. In different states, practitioners operate under a variety of titles, including but not limited to hypnotist, hypnotherapist, Hypnocounselors. Basically, all have the same meaning.
1. Interviewing a client to determine the nature of the client's issues;
2. Assessing the client's suitability for hypnosis;
3. Testing a prospective client to determine the client's level of suggestibility;
4. Preparing clients for hypnosis through an explanation of the process and procedures used as well as a description of the resulting hypnotic state to be experienced by the client;
5. Teaching self-hypnosis to clients;
6. Inducing the hypnotic state;
7. Applying hypnotic techniques.
Within every being there lies the potential to elevate, heal, and inspire ourselves as well as others. Hypnosis is considered the best-known tool to actualize this process. By delving into the roots of human conditioning and habit formation, we may work with the non-tangible aspects of human behavior. To this end, we utilize effective methods to eradicate negative and harmful habits. Through hypnosis, you can better review your belief systems, perspectives, and values that drive thinking and behaviors. Hypnosis is a state of altered consciousness induced by oral suggestions or other forms of stimuli to the senses. It is a state in which the subconscious mind enjoys a heightened level of susceptibility to suggestion by bypassing the filters of the conscious mind, relaxation, imagery, and suggestion.
SERVICES: The services to be provided do not include the practice of medicine. The practitioner is not a licensed physician, psychotherapist, or social worker. These services are non-diagnostic and are complementary to the healing arts services that are licensed by the state of Kansas. During hypnosis sessions, clients are completely aware of their surroundings and suggestions, however, persons are so relaxed that they rarely pay attention to anything but the voice of the hypnotist. The ability to visualize or imagine is enhanced. Most clients comment that they were truly relaxed and have not been so relaxed in quite some time. Hypnosis is safe and pleasurable.
MISSION STATEMENT: Each professional hypnotist is dedicated to using hypnosis to motivate you to embrace positive thoughts and beliefs and achieve personal goals such as positive change, self-empowerment, behavior modification, wellness, happiness, peak performance, success, and harmony.
Wichita State University: Graduate - Bachelors of Arts in Business Administration 1993.
Our Lady of the Lake University: Graduate - Masters of Social Work, 2022.
NOTE: In no way is graduation from this program a licence to practice social work or psychotherapy.
EDUCATION IN HYPNOSIS, OTHER TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE: The practitioner conforms to the Recommended Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and the Recommended Minimum Educational Requirements of the Council of Professional Hypnosis Organizations (COPHO).
IACT trained and certified. 200 hours of supervised hypnosis training.
Hypnosis Motivation Institute: Graduate - 300 Hours of supervised hypnotherapy training with examinations with nationally accredited program.